Sports and Events ROES
Tips and resources to get started with Sports & Events ROES ordering.

Ordering + Shipping
Orders can be delivered back to you in Bulk or Individual packaging. Bulk packaging means that all the products and prints are packaged in bulk for you to then do the sorting. Individually packaged orders will be returned to you with each individual’s products individually packaged and returned in a windowed envelope. To take advantage of Individual packaging your order must be submitted using the Manual Entry or Automated entry methods described below in the How-to Guides.
How-to Guides
This link contains the entire how-to guide explaining Sports ROES in detail. Each individual section is also available separately below. Use the links below to jump to the particular section you have questions about.
WHCC Sports and Events How-to Guide
Demo Video
Let us walk you through how ordering with Sports & Events ROES works.
Preset Themes & Setting Up Packages
Our template products are categorized by theme. We have 10 different pre-designed themes available in ROES for your use. Most of them are non-sport specific allowing you to customize background colors as needed and the ability to add in sports icons and more. This link describes how you can vary the template designs, customize them and save package sets for your needs.
WHCC Sports and Events Preset Themes & Setting Up Packages
Customizing Preset Themes
This document describes how you can modify the images and text placement when using a preset theme for memory mates. If you like the background options on a theme but want the images and text displayed differently this will guide you through the process. Once you’ve made changes, you are able to save the newly created design as a favorite and use on future orders as needed.
WHCC Sports and Events Customizing Preset Themes
Options to Create Orders
Orders can be placed in one of two ways using WHCC Sports & Events ROES; manually, using the familiar drag and drop method of product population or automatically using event data. The method you choose will depend on the size and complexity of your order.
Creating an Order Manually - without data
Manually created orders are best for smaller orders or orders without a lot of text entry for products. Manual orders use the familiar drag and drop method of the product population. With the manual order entry method, themed products requiring text will need the text entered individually for each product added to the shopping cart.
WHCC Sports and Events Creating an Order Manually
Creating an Order Automatically - using ROES to enter data
ROES events allows you to create a data file within ROES that populates with image names and text data that applies to your products. You will populate a blank data table with the necessary information within ROES. This can save you from having to drag each image into each individual product and manually typing all the text into the text fields on various specialty items. You are in control of what images and text go where on the products you are ordering. ROES takes care of entering the data for each product within the order. Prior to upload, you are given the opportunity to verify and modify any individual items in the order.
WHCC Sports and Events Creating an Order Automatically Using ROES
Creating an Order Automatically - using a CSV file you’ve created from a spreadsheet
By using a pre-defined data file, ROES can automatically populate each package or product with the images and text needed per individual. Using a spreadsheet to create your data file can speed up data entry on each individual order. You are in control of what images and text go where on the products. ROES takes care of entering the data in the order. Prior to uploading, you are given the opportunity to verify and modify any individual item in the order.
WHCC Sports and Events Creating an Order Automatically Using a CSV File
Marketing Book
This PDF describes and shows images of the products available. You may also purchase a hard copy to use for your sales presentations. The book is not branded in any way allowing it to be a perfect sales tool for your prospective clients.
WHCC Sports and Events Marketing Book 2018
Product Templates
Click the link below to download the WHCC Sports and Events product templates.