Create a Triple Thick Card with your choice of 8 colored insert options.

Make a big impact with Double Thick rep cards.

Make a Bold Statement by adding a Color Insert

Suprise and delight your clients by adding one of our 8 colored insert options to create a triple thick card. Choose from black, green, pink, orange, red, teal, white, and yellow. One insert color option can be applied per card order.

Business Cards

Boost your business with business cards in multiple ways. These small cards are great for sharing your contact info, creating rep cards, referral cards, event cards, and more.

  • Single or double sided, full-color printing
  • Several paper options including thick cards with color insert options
  • Available in increments of 50
  • Quantity Business Cards available in increments of 250 with limited options
ROES Ordering Information

Press Printed Cards and Products, or Press Printed Boutique Cards and Products


Select the Small Cards tab, then find the Rep Cards tab for all our popular options. For our more limited Quantity Business Cards, use the Business Cards tab.

To order your design with a shape, use the Boutique Cards and Products catalog.

Free 2-Day Shipping

Shipping speed upgrades are available or drop ship directly to your client. Shipping Options

Add Premium Packaging

Make an impression by taking advantage of our specialty packaging options for this product.

Quantity Pricing

Price breaks are available for greater quantities ordered of the same design.

About Business Cards

Little Cards That Make a Big Statement

When you hand someone a business card, you’re leaving them with something that makes a statement about you. Be sure the quality of your card will leave a lasting impression that your clients or potential clients will want to hold on to.

Easily create luxurious business cards with upgraded paper options like our Soft Touch Matte or Double and Triple Thick paper.

Paper Types

9 paper options, including thick card styles. Add gloss coating to select papers.


Option to add several shapes



Product Options

Paper Types

We offer a variety of supreme card stocks including several glossy, matte, and even thick card styles with colored insert options. Gloss Coating can be added to select papers for extra protection as well as a highly reflective finish.

Best Seller

Smooth Matte Paper

Our premier, uncoated matte paper with soft surface texture.




Premium Matte Eggshell

Our highest-quality ultra-white paper by Mohawk is renowned for its exceptional print, substantial weight, and matte eggshell texture.






Soft Touch Matte Paper

A rich matte appearance with a soft to the touch coating for a suede-like finish.



Pearl Paper

A champagne, pearlescent base that adds a warm, shimmery look to your imagery. Gloss coating available.



Art Linen Paper

An artistic matte paper with a classic linen texture. Not available for foil pressed designs.



Premium Semi-Gloss Paper

Smooth surface that is thicker than our standard paper with a semi-gloss finish. Gloss coating available.



Standard Semi-Gloss Paper

ROES Ordering Only

Smooth print surface with a semi-gloss finish. Gloss coating available.



Double Thick Paper

Uncoated matte paper with a soft surface texture and double the thickness.




Triple Thick Paper

Extra thick, uncoated matte paper with a soft surface texture and your choice of colored insert.



Thick Cards

Make a bold statement with Double Thick Paper or add one of our 8 colored insert options to create a Triple Thick Card.

  • Triple Thick Color Inserts: Black, green, pink, orange, red, teal, white, and yellow. One insert color option can be applied per card order.
  • Uncoated matte paper with a soft surface texture


Business Cards with front & back printing (4/4)

Sold in packs of 50 cards.

Paper 50 Cards 100 Cards Add'l 50

*Add Gloss Coating for $1.50 per pack of 50 cards.

Standard Semi-Gloss* & Smooth Matte $18.00 $18.00 +$8.00
Eggshell, Linen, Soft Touch, & Premium Semi-Gloss* 18.00 18.00 9.00
Pearl* 18.00 20.00 10.00
Double Thick 22.00 28.00 14.00
Triple Thick 26.00 36.00 18.00
Business Cards with front only printing (4/0)

Sold in packs of 50 cards.

Paper 50 Cards 100 Cards Add'l 50

*Add Gloss Coating for $1.50 per pack of 50 cards.

Standard Semi-Gloss* & Smooth Matte $18.00 $18.00 +$5.50
Eggshell, Linen, Soft Touch, & Premium Semi-Gloss* 18.00 18.00 6.50
Pearl* 18.00 18.00 7.50
Business Cards with Shapes

Sold in packs of 50 cards.

Paper 50 Cards 100 Cards Add'l 50

*Add Gloss Coating for $1.50 per pack of 50 cards.

Standard Semi-Gloss* & Smooth Matte $27.00 $46.00 +$23.00
Eggshell, Linen, Soft Touch, & Premium Semi-Gloss* 27.00 48.00 24.00
Pearl* 27.00 50.00 25.00
Quantity Business Cards

Available with Standard Semi-Gloss or Premium Semi-Gloss papers only. Sold in packs of 250 cards.

Quantity Front & Back Printing (4/4) Front Printing Only (4/0)

Add Gloss Coating for $6.50 per pack of 250 cards.

250 $30.00 $25.00
500 52.50 43.75
750 67.50 56.25
1000 75.00 62.50

Resources & Tools